Thursday, December 18, 2014

Full Moon Party

Jess and I relaxed most of the day. We knew we had a big night a head of us. We walked around for a bit it get food and snacks but for the most part we just hung out in the room. 
Later that night we decided to start getting ready at painted our bodies with the glow in the dark paint. Which was so fun! 

Once ready we took a Taxi/ tuk tuk to the party. It was about a 15-20 minute ride to the beach. Once we got there everyone was dressed up. People every where and vendors on the side selling stuff even stands for them to paint people with glow in the dark paint. Once you entered they give you a bracelet. Upon entering it didn't take us long to get a bucket of alcohol. That is what people drink at the full moon party. You can choose what you what in the bucket. 

After we walked to the beach and partied. We got there around 10pm and stayed till 2. However the party goes from sun down on the 6th to 7 am on the 7th. We checked out early i suppose. I was a little unimpressed with the party its self there are just tons of people on the beach parting and different bars playing loud music. It reminded me of Phi Phi just bigger. The only thing different was besides fire dancers they had a huge rope for people to jump over the only thing is that it is on fire haha. Tons of drunk people were trying it out. Some succeeding and some failing, getting burned... I also got my cards read at some point in the night with i regretted instantly. All i remember was pulling out terrible cards like death and satin... not cool. However through her broken english and my drunkeness i remember her telling me 2 people loved me and i had to choose between them. She said I would get married to someone from another country and move there and have 3 kids. Those are the main things i remember. 

On the tuk tuk ride home I got sick, to much alcohol mixed with car sickness not a fun thing. My night was very rough to say the least. Jess and I couldn't get out of bed until 3 pm the next day! Once I ate I started to feel better, however Jess just got sicker. It was so weird. The two of us where so sick all day. Thank god we didn't have to leave until the following day. On the boat ride home someone mentioned it is also possible we could of been so sick because of the ice they put in the buckets. 
The next morning we got our stuff ready and walked to the ferry. The Ferry ride back was full of who had obviously been to the full moon party. Every one was sleeping not really talking. It was acturally very peaceful and puff the magic dragon was on repeat on the speakers through out the boat haha. Once off the boat we headed to the airport to hop on a flight to Chiang Mai.

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